Before You Choose a Cemetery…

The time has come to choose the final resting place for a loved one or to handle some pre-planning for your own arrangements. It can be an overwhelming and emotional process, especially if you’re not sure where to begin.

Think of cemetery decisions like those you would consider when buying a new home. Similar to buying a new home, it takes time and careful consideration to survey all of the options carefully and choose the best cemetery for yourself or a loved one.

Before you settle on a cemetery, consider these factors:


Everyone wants to select a cemetery that is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and well-kept, but it is also important to take into account the personality and values of your loved one. The location you choose will forever be associated with their memory. It will be a place to remember and to visit.

Before picking a destination, consider the wishes of the deceased. Perhaps it was important for them to be in the same cemetery as their parents, siblings or family members. Be sure to take this into consideration when examining all of your local options.

Considering Cremation?

Contemplate whether the deceased will be cremated, buried or both. Contrary to popular belief, not every cemetery has the ability to perform a cremation on site.

Keep in mind that most funeral homes charge a fee to transport the body for cremation. If you don’t have the budget to pay extra fees, choosing a cemetery with a crematorium on site may be more cost-effective and efficient.

Other Considerations

When it comes time to select a cemetery, in addition to location and access to a crematorium, things like religious requirements and veteran services should also be considered.

Places like Woodlawn Cemetery in Syracuse, New York, are open to people of all religions and faiths. Woodlawn also celebrates the lives of deceased veterans by marking the graves with flags on Memorial Day each year.

Handling the death of a loved one, or pre-planning your own arrangements can be difficult, but choosing a cemetery doesn’t have to be. Take the stress out of the equation and weigh all options before making a decision.

Everything can be considered in advance to save time, money and unnecessary stress. Simply send your name and address to Woodlawn for a free Pre-Planning Guide to learn more.